Tuesday, July 15, 2014

My Beautiful Dog

Her name is Mocha and she's my little baby :) I always wanted a dog after having a cat. I think that our cat has a psychological problems. She is so naughty and bitchy. Anyways, here is my dogs story.

She born in 17 May 2013 at an adoption in a shelter than they moved her to a vet. My mom started wanting a dog after her friends got one. We know how the dogs are thanks to our neighboors who has a dog and also my father's brother lives there. My mom wanted a small dog so she can dress it up but i hated that idea. I wanted to have it from a shelter and i wanted dog to be big. So, one day while looking to facebook, i saw a post and its about a 3,5 months old dog.We decided to go and take a look to it.

When we arrived, i ran as fast as i can to the vet where it lives. They handed me that puppy. It has brown eyes and... there are photos above why am i writing this? I asked it's gender. They said it's a female. We were like "what?!?" because our cat is female and also i have a sister. That makes my dad the only male at our family. But it's beautiful to grow up with girls :) My parents went outside to smoke and talk about it and they allowed me to have it and we waited the woman who made that facebook post. She arrived.
We got Mocha!

After 3 weeks, she had a bug -as we thought so- and we went to the vet where is next to us. She said its a bug and will be okay after few days. It got better than worst than ever. We went to another vet at night because she was coughing so hard. They said that she had distemper. We left her there and hoped that she will live but there was a slightly chance for it. I hold all of my tears while driving back home. My sister wanted to eat something so we stopped for food and then i couldn't hold my self and let my tears fall down. That was the worst night of my life. 

Like she was with us for 3 weeks and i loved her so much. I think that she sees me like her mother because im the one who she saw first and i'm the one who always stayed with her. Even it's in our family for 3 weeks and if it's your dream to have one, you can't just say "Oh, we can adopt another puppy."

After 2 weeks she is fine. She just can't stick one of her ears up but thats ok i guess. She is hyperactive, playfull, friendly and coward. She even get scared from her poop :) She is ok with Charlie (cat and its a male name i know but there isstory about finding a suitable name for her), when i talk to Mocha, i call charlie like "Look Mocha what is your sister (Charlie) doing!". I love both of them so much.

You can one of her's video in here:

"Woof! Woof!"

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