Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Girl With 9 Wigs - Review

"At 21 years old, Sophie is a young, energetic student whose life plans are interrupted by a rare form of cancer. But with the help of nine wigs, Sophie rejects the limitations of her diagnosis, as well as the limitations of identity, as she uses each one in turn to become a different version of herself: Cute, girlish Daisy. Enigmatic, sensual Oema. Sue, who can dance and flirt the night away. Stella. Blondie. Platina. Pam. Lydia. Bebé. Sophie is no object of pity, but a person who actively determines how she engages with her new world, and how the rest of the world engages with her. Part comedy and part drama, The Girl With Nine Wigs is a candid account of a self-proclaimed holiday from cancer, a way of accepting a formidable reality while choosing not to mourn it. Based on the bestselling autobiographical book by Sophie van der Stap."


It is so touchy and sweet that is one of my favorites right now. It is actually called "Heute Ich Bin Blond" which you can understand german movie. Well, i couldn't find any english dubbed or german with english subtitles so it might hard to find it online. 

I loved how she hold on the fact that she could survive this cancer. Of course she was scared but she had good friends, her beautiful family and a lover to keep that out of her mind. She began to buy a few wigs and everyday she changed her wig to another incomparable wig. Every wig brings her (Sophie) to another character, person and she wrote everyday to her blog that she started writing when she moved to her hospital room. 

She parties a lot. A LOT ! Even she can go out at night with a help of her male nurse (or smtg like that) and goes to night clubs and bars with her bestie and sometimes with her boyfriend. It makes a bit trouble for her because she musn't drink that much. It'll make her tumor get bigger and that's why she stopped and get bigger.

The happiest moment was they learned that she survived and there is no tumor left. I cried a bit. Only one thing that she did was a terrible mistake, letting her boyfriend go when she had cancer. She didn't believed that much that she would survive so, she thought that his life will become more better and happier with another women. After she survived, he already fallen in love with another girl and Sophie was sad about that.

It was an awesome movie! You should check it out!

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