Sunday, August 31, 2014

Pokémon X 3ds - Review

Well, i wanted this game so badly over past few months but i didn't even have 3ds yet. It is impossible to find it in Turkey so I ordered from the internet. I'm still dissapointed that Amazon doesn't ship to Istanbul. Anyways, again, i ordered this game from internet, a turkish e-shop called GittiGidiyor. I wasn't dissapointed this time that they send me in the right time and the right game. I ordered the first game you see the picture above.
Both of the games are the same but has different types of pokemons. X looks like more girl than Y thats why i bought that. :) You can select your gender and customize yourself as a pokemon trainer. I couldn't take a picture of mine but it looks like this:

 I choose the girl in the middle because she looks more like me. You can change her hairstyle and hair color later so i did mine brunette. The dress girls' wear is so fucking beautiful and also it's mine favorite type of dress. I love wearing that. Ayways...

Nowww, we finally can select our first pokemon! So There are 3 pokemons you can start with. 

Fennekin, The Fire Type Pokémon
Chespin, The Grass Type  Pokémon
Froakie, The Water Type Pokémon

And I selected:


 They give you the things you need such as A Pokédex and some Poké balls (you will need to buy more from stores nearby) and your quest begins with your 4 other friends, who will help you throught out the way. This time you also can play multiplayer with your friends! Trade your pokémons with each other. They added 2 more things in this game and i think they didn't have it in other old Pokémon games is that "Super Training" and "Pokémon-Amie"

Super Training is the program that whenever or wherever you are you can train your pokémons in very different ways. They improve their skills such as Defence, Attack, Sp Defence, Sp Attack etc. It makes your pokémon stronger than ever. 

Pokémon-Amie is the program that whenever or wherever you are  you can feed your pokémon, play games with them and stroke them. It doesn't improve or decrease something about your pokémon. It is just a mini game type that you can play when you want.

It is an awesome game!

Right now, your biggest mission is to find more about Mega Evolution. 

I have Braxien (It evolved from Fennekin), Charmeleon (It evolved from Charmender), Pikachu, Loudred (It evolved from Whismur), Ledian (It evolved from LadyBa) and Tyrunt with me.

"Gotta Catch 'Em All!"

My 5-day Vacation at Bodrum... (Including OOTDs')

I went to Bodrum for 5 days with my family. We went to a hotel which has a beach in the best location and the sea is cold, clean and has lots of small fishes. We were exclusive stayers because that we know the owner of this hotel and we're good friends with him and his family. It was relaxing and enjoyable. We went to outside of the hotel, to Bodrum, Yalıkavak, Marina and one more place that i don't remember. We were staying in Salmakis hotel. I highly recommend here if you want to relax and if you want to go to Bodrum.

I have 3 OOTDs'

 I wanted to be Fashinable and fancy this time so i wore my beautiful dark blue shirt with my floral printed short shorts. I didn't have my green shoes with me so i only had this one as chic shoe and i think they look pretty cool. I wore some golden bracelet, golden rings and golden earrings. You can actually wear a necklace instead of earrings.

Shoes: Bershka
Shirt: A Turkish Brand (Koton)
Shorts: Pull & Bear
Purse: Chanel

It is a simple wear outfit that i just paired my favorite dress with my ordinary black sandals. I didn't want to spend my time for pairing clothes so that is what i got. Again, i wore my golden bacelets and rings with it because i love golden accessorises. Actually you can understand from my hair that i don't wanna spend my time thinking about clothes tonight. :) 

(How awkward are my feet looks :S )

Dress: H&M
Shoes: Bershka
Purse: Chanel

Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Girl With 9 Wigs - Review

"At 21 years old, Sophie is a young, energetic student whose life plans are interrupted by a rare form of cancer. But with the help of nine wigs, Sophie rejects the limitations of her diagnosis, as well as the limitations of identity, as she uses each one in turn to become a different version of herself: Cute, girlish Daisy. Enigmatic, sensual Oema. Sue, who can dance and flirt the night away. Stella. Blondie. Platina. Pam. Lydia. Bebé. Sophie is no object of pity, but a person who actively determines how she engages with her new world, and how the rest of the world engages with her. Part comedy and part drama, The Girl With Nine Wigs is a candid account of a self-proclaimed holiday from cancer, a way of accepting a formidable reality while choosing not to mourn it. Based on the bestselling autobiographical book by Sophie van der Stap."


It is so touchy and sweet that is one of my favorites right now. It is actually called "Heute Ich Bin Blond" which you can understand german movie. Well, i couldn't find any english dubbed or german with english subtitles so it might hard to find it online. 

I loved how she hold on the fact that she could survive this cancer. Of course she was scared but she had good friends, her beautiful family and a lover to keep that out of her mind. She began to buy a few wigs and everyday she changed her wig to another incomparable wig. Every wig brings her (Sophie) to another character, person and she wrote everyday to her blog that she started writing when she moved to her hospital room. 

She parties a lot. A LOT ! Even she can go out at night with a help of her male nurse (or smtg like that) and goes to night clubs and bars with her bestie and sometimes with her boyfriend. It makes a bit trouble for her because she musn't drink that much. It'll make her tumor get bigger and that's why she stopped and get bigger.

The happiest moment was they learned that she survived and there is no tumor left. I cried a bit. Only one thing that she did was a terrible mistake, letting her boyfriend go when she had cancer. She didn't believed that much that she would survive so, she thought that his life will become more better and happier with another women. After she survived, he already fallen in love with another girl and Sophie was sad about that.

It was an awesome movie! You should check it out!

Friday, August 22, 2014

OOTD - Motorcycle

Yesterday, my sister, me and her bf went to shopping. I was going to wear short shorts, it was so hot but i learned that we are going by motorcycle. So quickly i changed into some baggy boyfriend jeans. That's why i couldn't wear accesoriesses. It will be awesome still with other t-shirt but i choosed to wear a bit fancy t-shirt. I bought it new and i love them right now.

*It is not my room, it's my sister's.

Shirt: Pull & Bear
Boyfriend Ripped Jeans: Pull & Bear
Shoes: Converse

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Please Read For Me and Other People Who Does Have Social Anxiety.

Having a social anxiety is hard as fuck. Yet, still people couldn't understand it. This is not being shy or not wanting to have friends. This is the thing that we are suffering from mentally and we can pull through it. It isn't easy. Some people are suffering much more than me and i feel very sorry of them and still i want to meet them. It is so hard to go and talk to someone or be in a group of people. It is hard for us to make the first step. 

People mostly think about this is what we only suffer. No! We do suffer from our thoughts and fear and stuff. Such as thinking about " Why couldn't i do that!" or "I surely scared them all. Nobody wants me." We want friends to come to us, make their first steps and be patient, be friendly and try to empathize with us. We can be more relaxed with the friend and also happy but it doesn't means that our suffers are gone. It is like a disease, hurts so much emotionally.

When we get hurt and also too emotional, we just want to hurt ourself, not to show people our scars like some teenagers do to try make people have eye on them. Some wants to try to kill theirselves, some wants to just hurt. Some people have a crisis similar to panic attacks (me included). It is so hard to stop it.

*I am depressed or something like that. I can't eat anything or drink. I can't sleep at night. I don't want to talk to anyone and don't want to go out. I don't want to do anything but lay down and play with my computer. I don't get joy from anything. I still have some problems that if i continue like this for 3-4 days, i can be hospitilized because my body is so weak that i pass out lots of times. This happend because 2 friends and my bf left me. I don't know what did a do wrong. They just doesn't talk to me. If i talk they would write 1 or 2 sentences to end the conversation. I mostly sad about my bf but anyways thats why i could write in here for few days... 13 days! I only have a close friend of mine luckily.

Please try to understand us!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

OOTD - Hanging Out With Special Friends

 *My legs are not thick btw, it's only on this pic.*

Today was an awesome day. The weather was windy a bit but hot. I met with my old good friends. Like they say "Oldies but Goldies". I really wanted to wear my beautiful dress. It has floral design and you can wear it with anything and everywhere. You can even wear on a special night with some thick high heeled black/brown shoes but i highly recommend black high boots. You can tie your hair, it will make you more cute. My bag is absoluetly goes with this dress so i took that and wore my brown high heeled-inside boots that i love. If you want to, you can add some accessories such as golden bracelet and rings.

Dress: H&M
Shoes: Pull & Bear
Bracelet : Quqla
Bag: A turkish brand

Saturday, August 9, 2014

I Have Started Minecraft!

 After finding out  ldshadowlady on youtube, i decided to play minecraft. I started watching her a few days ago and she is so cute while playing minecraft and having so much fun, i decided to play. It's just a bit similar to sims and also adventurous game so i loved it. It was a bit hard first but i really figure it out how to play and now, i am decorating my ridiculous home and i will post it when it is more beautiful. 

Minecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks using imagination. There are 2 modes 

Creative Mode: This mode allows you to have every stuff, being immortal. You can build anything, do anything at morning and night.

Survival Mode: This mode is about finding stuff and then building. There are monsters at night which can kill you and your inventory dissapears. You can collect them afterwards from going to the place where you died. You are mortal and you have to eat. You can fall from higher places or drown. You must be so careful. I prefer this one because it's hard and adventurous.

* There are multiplayer and single player selections.

Minecraft allows you to make your imaginary home but it is not easy.

How to stay alive in your first night at survival mode:
1. You should collect wood lots to make some sword, pickaxe or smtg.
(You can learn how to craft from google)
2. Find yourself a safe cave or dig and make a small shelter underground for yourself.
3. You should stay there untill it's morning. You can make a bed to sleep in all night so you wont have to wait.
(You can find it in google, just search for it)
4. Then start crafting your home! 
*But don't get too far away from your shelter if you can't make your home till the night, you should hide in there.

In multiplayer, you can go to another players' server and have a look at their house. Sometimes there are different servers that made with mods. They are some minigames and stuff like that.

* Every gender and every age of human can play this game *
Also maybe you can get addicted to this game. Just for you to know :)

Monday, August 4, 2014

Ootd - Watching The Beautiful Sunset

Staying at my friends' house in their summerhouse, as usual we decided to go to the town. I couldn't write a post yesterday and today because something bad happend emotionally. Sorry about that. I decided to wear a red shirt with a basic top, short and shoes. When it's hot, you can't take it out and tie around your waist. We arrived there in a beautiful moment and took a lot of pictures. 

Shirt: A turkish brand :/
Tank Top: A turkish brand... again :/
But you can find it similar
Short: Pull&Bear

Saturday, August 2, 2014

My Top 10 Songs At The Moment!

I wanted to show you my top ten songs of few weeks, the song that i listen everyday repeatetly.

10. Boom Clap - Charli XCX

I think that i liked it because it's catchy. The first time i've heard this song was on MTV and the other day when i watch TFIOS, i hearded there too. So, i've gived it a try. Do you know the feeling when you listen a song for the first time and you are like "What a stupid song!" and hearing again and again then you start to love too much? It's one of them. This is a catchy love song that i didn't like it so much but i can't stop listening it.

9. Just One of the Guys - Jenny Lewis

The first reason of all about why i loved this song and it's clip so much is K-Stew plays in it and also she is the biggest fan of Jenny Lewis. Watching over and over, i kinda like it and downloaded. It's Indie rock type of music. So, it's slow and catchy. In the music clip, there are Kristen Stewart, Anne Hathaway and Brie Larson as the backup singers and the guys. You see them in a cream colored suits doing backup for Jenny Lewis and then you see them dressed as guys with wigs and moustaches in another shot. Which they are absolutely funny especially Kristen and Anne. Also Jenny's suit is so beautiful. The song is about being yourself and not giving shit about it. I think. :)

8. G.U.Y. - Lady Gaga

She is awesome. One of the women who doesn't give a shit about what everybody thinks and does or dresses how she wants. That makes her music and music videos more special. G.U.Y. stands for "Girl Under You" and it's a sexual song. I think her style gives this song and it's clip another atmosphere. If the video was different, it would be not so popular or loved as this one.

7. Crave You (Adventure Club Dubstep Remix) - Flight Facilities

I heard it from Amymarie Gaertner's dance vine. While searching for songs that used in vines, i came across with this one. I started to listen non-stop and tried to dance dubstep. I failed. After listening again and again you start to wonder what is it's original song is like. This remix is much more better than the original one. Adventure Club has amazing dubtep remixes that you should try if you love dubstep.

6. Salute - Little Mix

The song tells us that girls are much more strong and can handle things rather than anyone think. They sang this with a theme which is being soldiers and lookin for recruits. The video is so cool and has a cool dance that i wanted to learn. So i did and i think i can do it pretty well. Every time they sing this song on live they do the same dance with more moves which it doesn't involves in the video. It's pretty easy btw. I love that Little Mix has a story in their songs and it's videos. It's all pop songs. Well, this is my favorite if i need to choose between other Little Mix songs.

5. Love Runs Out - Coldplay

Why it is one of my fave? It's rhythm and it's Coldplay. Their songs are awesome but this one is way different from others. It's a love song again. So, yeah.

4. Marilyn Monroe - Pharrell Williams

Again, I loved this song for it's rhythm. It's a love song about the girl he loves and wants her. 

3. Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Lorde

I found this song at the new Assassin'ss Creed Unity game's trailer and it also in the Hunger Games: Catching Fire. It is originally from Tears For Fears and it is not good as Lorde's cover. Way more better than the original one, trust me. She bring this song another mood. In the original one with a fun rhythm, it is a fun song but in the cover, it is a serious and a typical Lorde style. You can understand what it is about from the name of the song. It is pretty cool.

2. Flawless - Beyonce

The song's original music video is out from youtube and i don't know why. I heard from my friend and then it became our song. It is about Feminism. If you listen the song you will hear a man talking about how stupid is feminism with examples. It is so cool that it worth to listen. I mean it's Beyonce! Music video starts with little Beyonce and her band starts to sing a song in a competition and the song starts. At the need you see that in competition boys win even the girls are better than them, it's because feminism.

1. Chandelier- Sia

Sia always been one of my favorite singers and her music is just amazing and her lyrics are so good. In this song it's about getting drunk or something? I didn't figure it out but it is amazing and also the music video is soo cool. The way Maggie dance is fucking awesome and it goes with the song. I loved the way she sings too. She feels when she is singing and that makes the songs special. I already have a post about Chandelier and why does Sia not face the audience while singing. You can look up there.

Friday, August 1, 2014

The Pianist Review

2 days ago, i watched this movie with one of my closest friend who recently moved to Canada. We didn't have any idea of what kind of film was this. We just saw it's notebook at a bookstore and it looked so cool that we wanted to watch it.
It's about a Polish Jewish musician struggles to survive of World War II. This is a true story. His name is Wlaydslaw Szpilman and he is the luckiest Jewish in World War II. With having a few good friends who helps him to survive. It's so touchy.

He is also one of the best pianist on that time.

This movie is so exciting and touchy. It is the worst time of Jewish people in the entire history. Violence everywhere and it's soo stupid. I mean you all now that Hitler time. That a real German must be blond and has blue eyes shit. I mean the soldiers killing all of the young,old and women people or even killing a person which they want. It is soo annoying and shitty. This is my idea. I'm not trying to change your mind or thinking of the opposite idea is really bad.

The best part of the movie was this scene. I'm not going to tell what is going on, i wont give you a spoiler. (If you didn't watch the movie, i might give you a spoiler) The moment of the soldier gets emotional when he heard him crying. The moment you see a humanity in this situation. He plays the big role of rescuing him.

You should watch it!