Thursday, September 4, 2014

My Themed Bookcase!

So, Today i wanna show you what my precious bookcase looks like.

Well... This is my small bookcase.

I don't have enough room for bigger bookcase and that makes it more harder. I recently starting to love reading books and my favorite author so far is John Steinbeck. I don't like teenager book like hunger games or divergent or smtg. I only love Twilight and Harry Potter. I am a huge twihard. More than i am potterhead. So i put them and made them special themed shelves. 

God i hate note 3 neo's camera!

This is my Twilight shelf as you can see. I have all of the books including "The Second Life Of Bree Taner". For extra i have "Snow White and The Huntsman" and "On the Road". They are two of K-Stew's movies and also one of them is her favorite book. Anyways, I read them all and i have all of the cd's of the Saga. I have "Twilight Quiz Up" (the white one middle of the cds) and i have the "2-disc special Breaking Dawn Part 2" which has BTS cd in extra. 

For the accessorises, both of the bracelets are replica but i found the similar ring, not a replica. I' scared that it wont fit on me well in replica because i need to order from e-bay or amazon and they use different measure so it is hard. I found this magnet from Kadiköy which is a district. The necklace is from a lame magazine and it's actually beautiful. it has "Edward" wrotten onto it with beautiful design. I remember that i got it when i was a new twihard who was waiting for "Breaking Dawn Part 2" to come. Ahh... Good times :)

And there is my Harry Potter bookshelf... It looks pretty empty without sticker or small posters and such but i love it. I don't have the 4th book but i did read it. I borrowed from my friend who is in Ravenclaw and it was so important to her. So she gave me and i promised her to look after it. I did pretty well untill when i finished the book and put it into my bag then i saw, actually felt the bag was...   wet. I realized that i saw my bag was unzipped and my cat peed inside of it. The book was gone.My reaction was crying and shouting in the same time. I got a new book for her and the books are expensive. I crossed every quotes that she did and it was hard. Doing it with the smell of cat pee. I returned her the book, telling what's happend. She was shocked at first when she heared that the book have peed on. Then she became happy when i show her what i did with the new book. I'll never forget that. 

I have these necklaces replica and a cute snitch bracelet that i bought in the same place as i did with the Bella Swan Magnet. I have a pin which writes "9¾" on. The same friend gave me that. I made 2 notebooks look like school books which they are "Unfogging the Future" and "Owl Breeds". It's brown papered inside so it's cool. I also bought that brown leather notebook. I loved it and i thought that it would look good on there. There are this ink pot and quill which I made myself. I love creating things, especially things from the movies. I also have wand in my wand case and potions that i made in another place. You should check out how people do it. It is easy and fun.

Thanks for reading!

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