Saturday, September 27, 2014

If I Stay Book & Film Review

So, i've read "If I Stay" with my friend before it was out in cinemas. One day we saw this book and it's cover. We saw Cholé Grace Moretz on it and we immidiately bought it. Because we both love and admire andddd jealous about Chloe Moretz. I read it in 2 days while my friend in 4 days and we went to the movie on thursday. It was exciting and romantic. Not so exciting for us, we only excited about Chloe Moretz. (It looks like im fangirlling over here but, i am not) 

It is bts i think :)

It is about a girl who had a car crash and gets in coma. While in coma, her spirit watches and tries to decide live or death. She also memorizes moments in it. I know, i am not good at explaining but here it is. Also she loves playing Violin and her bf plays in a band. Yeah. 

I found it terrificly awesome. I loved it so much. The acting of her was so real that i think that she is the best actor in this movie along others. She is a little K-Stew. (She acts like her , that's why) The ending was a bit normal, i mean i expected more than it. I'm not giving away. No no no! The book was same to the movie. Of course there were no detail in film but it didn't felt like there should be. In book it is more long and it makes you like " C'mon! I wanna get to the other chapter!" but they fixed that with the movie. 

If you love romatic and drama, you should go!

"But the you who you are tonight is the same you I'll be in love with tomorrow."

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What's On My Phone Tag !

(Looking good in that reflection of mine)

I have bought Note 3 in white as u can see and it is awesome! I have no problems with it yet so i recommend you this phone if you want bigger screen, if you love drawing or creative (that you can wrote down your ideas with it's pen) or you have big hands and fingers (that you can't text without pressing 2 or 3 words at once).

(sorry for quality of the photo)

I bought a "Ted Baker" case from the collection - i guess - It is blue with floral print on and blue is my absolutely fave color. Actually my first case was Willy Wonka's chocolate with a golden ticket inside but i wanted to change it a bit. When a change it, i also change the theme inside of the phone. It makes it whole different and i can't use same thing for a long time. 

This is my fucking beautiful lock screen wallpaper that im in love with. It is Ariel from The Little Mermaid and the background is awesome again with floral designs that matches my phone perfectly. I got it from We <3 it and i don't know how to find this.

5 Minutes Later... (With the voice of the man in Spongebob)

Still couldn't find it.

 This is my homescreen where i put the things that i need at most. There is no Tumblr, We <3 It or S Note but i'm kinda use to it. It is easy to use and there is this paper note thing that i downloaded to my phone.
It is so useful that you can use it for "to do list" or something. I use it for that and you can even make it blue which is nice. I hate pink but it is so kawaii!! The program is called "*girls* free" on my phone right now with some japanesee words so im sorry for that.
The theme program that i use is CocoPPa that is an awesome application and it is free. Most of the people you see who has icons like this are using CocoPPa because it is the most popular one, go and ask your friends which app they are using.
I hope it helped and you liked it!

Monday, September 22, 2014


I was gone for a long time, I know because that i was in lots of pain, depression but today i have an OOTD for you!

It was a bit cold and i wanted to look chic and normal so i combined this brownish outfit. I bought this shirt new and you can wear with everything actually. My nails are short and black (I bite my nails) and i did a pretty make-up with it. I don't know what it called but basically i did it brownish - again. 

Shirt: Stradivarius
Pants: An turkish brand from Izmir that you can't find it easily.
Socks: Turkish Brand (Penti)
Shoes: Pull&Bear
Bag: Nine West
Accessorieses are from Bodrum

Friday, September 5, 2014

OOTD! - Rock 'N Roll Baby

Today,  i really wanted to wear my new necklace so i went up with this rock style.I do listen rock, like every tipe of it except slow ones but i don't wear like that. I think that the pairing went a bit bad. I didn't like my socks but my friend liked it so... idk.  You can do it better with your own ideas of pairing clothes. and you can also wear skirt or you can wear long skirt. I mean it is just an example. 

Shirt: Pull&Bear
Shorts: H&M
Boots,bag and necklace are from a turkish brand that you can't even find it.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

My Themed Bookcase!

So, Today i wanna show you what my precious bookcase looks like.

Well... This is my small bookcase.

I don't have enough room for bigger bookcase and that makes it more harder. I recently starting to love reading books and my favorite author so far is John Steinbeck. I don't like teenager book like hunger games or divergent or smtg. I only love Twilight and Harry Potter. I am a huge twihard. More than i am potterhead. So i put them and made them special themed shelves. 

God i hate note 3 neo's camera!

This is my Twilight shelf as you can see. I have all of the books including "The Second Life Of Bree Taner". For extra i have "Snow White and The Huntsman" and "On the Road". They are two of K-Stew's movies and also one of them is her favorite book. Anyways, I read them all and i have all of the cd's of the Saga. I have "Twilight Quiz Up" (the white one middle of the cds) and i have the "2-disc special Breaking Dawn Part 2" which has BTS cd in extra. 

For the accessorises, both of the bracelets are replica but i found the similar ring, not a replica. I' scared that it wont fit on me well in replica because i need to order from e-bay or amazon and they use different measure so it is hard. I found this magnet from Kadiköy which is a district. The necklace is from a lame magazine and it's actually beautiful. it has "Edward" wrotten onto it with beautiful design. I remember that i got it when i was a new twihard who was waiting for "Breaking Dawn Part 2" to come. Ahh... Good times :)

And there is my Harry Potter bookshelf... It looks pretty empty without sticker or small posters and such but i love it. I don't have the 4th book but i did read it. I borrowed from my friend who is in Ravenclaw and it was so important to her. So she gave me and i promised her to look after it. I did pretty well untill when i finished the book and put it into my bag then i saw, actually felt the bag was...   wet. I realized that i saw my bag was unzipped and my cat peed inside of it. The book was gone.My reaction was crying and shouting in the same time. I got a new book for her and the books are expensive. I crossed every quotes that she did and it was hard. Doing it with the smell of cat pee. I returned her the book, telling what's happend. She was shocked at first when she heared that the book have peed on. Then she became happy when i show her what i did with the new book. I'll never forget that. 

I have these necklaces replica and a cute snitch bracelet that i bought in the same place as i did with the Bella Swan Magnet. I have a pin which writes "9¾" on. The same friend gave me that. I made 2 notebooks look like school books which they are "Unfogging the Future" and "Owl Breeds". It's brown papered inside so it's cool. I also bought that brown leather notebook. I loved it and i thought that it would look good on there. There are this ink pot and quill which I made myself. I love creating things, especially things from the movies. I also have wand in my wand case and potions that i made in another place. You should check out how people do it. It is easy and fun.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Hogwarts Express Leaves Today!

I just wanted to say i hope you have a good year at Hogwarts!

Well, I just started my 5th year and it's getting hard! With O.W.L. 's and studying... But i believe that i will make it through 6th year without getting any punishments. :)

 I'm in Gryffindor btw.

"Gryffindor rocks!" -Me